Wednesday 4 November 2015

Join us at the Small Publishers Fair this Friday and Saturday

This Friday and Saturday Collective Investigations will be at the Small Publishers Fair, at Conway Hall, London. We will also be speaking about Book as an Object; a subject that has kept us busy for the past year or so.

Our interest in the physical book form first made its way into our work as supplements to the book Codex: Between this and That (our very first project in 2012, for bookartbookshop).

Codex: Between This and That at the bookartbookshop

Each of us produced a book (entitled Codex: Between One Hand and Another) that explored different aspects relating to the physical aspects of the book: Mine looked at the book as container or repository for content (which I made absent by striking out text and leaving just section headings), Egidija looked at how the physical object had been represented in culture, specifically its representation in painting, and George used arrows and imagery to draw attention to the movement of the page as it is turned.

Codex and our three supplements.

Although the theme has been touched on in different works, we explored it again at South Lambeth Library where we filmed participants handling books with eyes closed telling us what they thought as they imagined the book in their hands.

Participants handling books at South Lambeth Library

This led to a brief talk at BABE earlier in the year and a visual essay for the Artists Book Year Book. Finally the project has come full circle and at the Small Publishers Fair we will be presenting a new book work based on the book handling at South Lambeth Library.

It would be great to see you there.

Full details here:


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